

Braindead and useless teams on LoL

Ermagerd.. The amount of stupid people calling ADCs ends up feeding like retardly high..
When there's a team fight, at least someone is in Africa farming..
Getting blamed for feeding when having positive score when they're Negative to the max feeding opposing team..
Supports not warding for the team..
Babysitting people's lane because they're braindead..
Non-english people not communicating..

Ermagerd this game makes me wanna quit at times.. Because of the amount of braindead and retards on it >.>
My god... Can't even find any good games that lasts over 45 mins.. all stupid under 30 and 20 minutes -_-"
I feel sorry for the people who are good teaming up with useless braindead kids

I hate PEOPLE.

February 16, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Doutei]had the thought ever cross your mind that... "you aren't as good as you may think you are"?[/quote]

OP, if you're actually good, you have an impact on the game. if you're just going even, or just "winning your lane" it doesn't mean you deserve to win. average skill gets you average results. carry harder, scrub. make plays happen. make good calls, and get objectives. if no one is getting baron/dragon when it's a good time to do it, make the call yourself. you're at the elo you belong in. don't expect others to carry you. there are just as likely to be bad players on the enemy team as yours. you just wouldn't notice it. btw, you buy your own damn wards. don't expect people to accommodate you. if you get caught face checking some bush, it's your fault. if someone is farming somewhere and you get caught in 4v5, it's your fault for getting caught when you know they won't be there. you're the kind of person who does a stupid mistake, but won't learn from it. then you blame someone else.

Reply February 16, 2013 - edited

had the thought ever cross your mind that... "you aren't as good as you may think you are"?

Reply February 16, 2013 - edited

Even if I do play with friends.. they always troll me.. Real life friends too :L

Reply February 16, 2013 - edited

Play with friends then?

Reply February 16, 2013 - edited