

RANT: This might end up being a horrid Christmas

Yesterday my Mother & Father went into town for pretty much the entire day (Probably late Xmas shopping.) And I was cleaning the house for a bit, finished the dishes and decided to take a break. As I sat on my bed listening to some music I hear a loud knock on the door, naturally thinking it was my parents, I rushed to open the door (Mom usually gets pissed if I don't open the door for her right away.) I opened it to my surprised - it was my Grandparents, I greeted them in shock and asked why they decided to drop by (Both sides of my family are really messed up, and we like to avoid one another.) They stopped by acting strangely nice and very formal. They brought us come Xmas food as a gift, and to my shock said they sent us all presents in the mail and they were on their way, they told me to tell the rest of the family that they stopped by and told us to stop by (THIS CAME AS A REALLY BIG SHOCK TO ME) because to sum this up: The reason as to why I was so shocked is basically; They usually tend to act very hateful and rude towards us, back when I was a child they would openly say poor jokes to our faces, and I remember one Christmas when I was like 6 - 7 Grandma bluntly said right after opening the door "Oh, have you come to [b]darken[/b] our doorstep?" (She said it with the most sweet and not caring voice, too.) And when I was younger a bit of my child-hood was stressful because my uncle and aunt (His wife) pretty much stole our credit (We had perfect credit at the time.) And they pretty much got away with it with out grandparents to back them up. This left us in the poor house and came to the point to where they (Along with my Mother's sister) Tried to take my brothers and I away. There was a lot of screaming, fighting, crying, some days I just felt like I wanted to die to get away from it all. I could go on and rant forever about the rude and hateful things said, but the main reason as to why they tend to act so.... bleh towards us is because they're Mormon and very high up in their church, and my Dad broke away from their religion and they blamed my Mom for it (They always tried to get us to go to their little Mormon bible camps as children.) And usually my grandmother acts the most sweetly rude, whenever they saw that we were getting ahead and had nicer things she and a few others would say something like -sarcastic rude upset voice: "Oh, isn't that just great for you. I'm ever so happy for you.... " And usually whenever they come to our house they tend to point out the flaws in little ways and my gets upset about it (She tends to be a perfectionist.) Anyways, I'll make this short: I forgot to answer the phone whenever Mom & Dad called to check up on my brother and I (I tend to be forgetful with cell-phones and ignore them.) I told her that Grandma & Grandpa stopped by, first thing she said in an extremely rude, sarcastic voice was: "Oh, joy..." And of course she wants to freak out about it (I could hear it in her voice.) So, once they got home (About an hour ago.) After I put a few of the groceries away, she brings up them coming here and starts to curse me out a bit, she seemed as though she wanted to bite my head off. And right away she asks; "DID THEY SEE THE ENTIRE HOUSE?" I replied: "Uhm, no. they didn't make it past the couch, the only thing they saw was the living room. They only stayed for like 8 minutes, they were here briefly." And Mom & Dad (Mostly Mom) start to freak out to the point to were I wanted to cry. Mom said that she was really disappointed in me for letting them in. I replied: "I thought it was you guys, I was relaxing and starting to fall half asleep, I barely peeked out the window, and you always complain when I don't open the door fast enough for you to get out of the cold. >_>" And of course they had to give me a lecture about why they're bad people and to ignore them next time they're here. Right now Mom is still talking about it bringing up drama and complaining about how our home isn't "Perfect." She got mad that I didn't call and tell her this right away on the phone as soon as they left, I replied back in a rude voice: "Because I knew you, being the drama queen that you are, would act like you're acting now and I didn't want to have to put up with your crap." But, I'm still shocked that my grandparents acted loving and didn't ask any weird or unnecessary questions, they acted like the typical loving grandparents and kindly invited us over for Christmas, which I guess is a bit of a "Christmas miracle." For them to be so kind. But, they are getting older and maybe finally starting to see that life is too short to live it with so much hatred and cruelty.

Sorry if this is considered spam, I just needed to vent about this. Also: Sorry if this somehow ruins a bit of your Christmas spirit, I just needed to vent. I'm just worried it'll put Mom & Dad under too much stress and ruin Christmas... oh well, guess I'll wait and see.

December 25, 2010

7 Comments • Newest first


[quote=SmashDragoon]Not trying to be mean by my words but your parents are close minded, Christmas is about giving, family and friends coming together. It is never about who is better at this and that, I see that those who want to be "perfect" will get there if they keep this up. Follow your own path for happiness and do what you think is best for you.

I still wish you a merry Christmas and a new happy year from a fellow Catholic/Christian. [/quote]

My family is the definition of closed minded. And I'm an Atheist (But my family is religious) but thank you anyways! have a very Merry Christmas, too.

@Hoopla123: Wow. o__o that sucks... I'm sorry to hear about that. And yeah, I'll edit the thread later to keep you guys updated like the person above asked for^

Reply December 25, 2010

Sorry to hear about that.

But I don't celebrate Christmas, I hope yours gets better.

Reply December 25, 2010

Good luck with your dilemma bro.

2 years later
*Movie Announcer Voice*
"One boy, One split up family, and One dream"
"See it now in theaters __/____/__"

Reply December 25, 2010 - edited

Not trying to be mean by my words but your parents are close minded, Christmas is about giving, family and friends coming together. It is never about who is better at this and that, I see that those who want to be "perfect" will get there if they keep this up. Follow your own path for happiness and do what you think is best for you.

I still wish you a merry Christmas and a new happy year from a fellow Catholic/Christian.

Reply December 25, 2010 - edited

Read the whole thing. Sorry to hear that man.
Hope the rest of your Christmas goes better >.<

Reply December 25, 2010 - edited

Wow. Wanna update us about this later?

Reply December 25, 2010 - edited

they might be on crack.
mi abuelo gusta mucho.

Reply December 25, 2010 - edited