Mephilesx18 #Paladin Talk

General Paladin

What Makes A PallyquotFunquot? Title^ .. honestly i only made it cause this guy i liked alot wanted one and this was around 2008 o3o i mean i like warriors but i'm kinda bored now? and no i don't really know of the pallys hyper skills cause i didn't really pay attention..i only cared for evans hs's (hyperskills). I mean what was diff from 2008 for pallies then now? all i know is he partied me in old speigel manns carnival pq and like lied to the ppl to do t wins but he killed their butts and for some reason our third guy always dc so it was mainly him against 3 others n i was a cleric at the time O_o and they always lost to him ps no rude comments? plz