MesosNeedMe #Updates Talk

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How bad will DBs "suck" after BB? Hi guys, I've read/heard that DBs will be VERY WEAK after the BB patch, but I haven't seen any videos that shows they're weak. Can anyone tell me why DBs will be weak after BB? I was trying to answer myself from the BB information thread, but I can't seem to find it. Anyways, why will DBs be bad after BB? Will they be able to Zak(efficiently; people wanting DBs for bossing)? S: Leave your interesting responses in the section [b]BELOW[/b].

General Updates

Post BB 4th MasteryBooks Hey guys, I've heard that after BB, monsters will drop MW20, is this true? If it is true, I'm assuming that monsters will drop other Mastery that are only obtainable through bosses/GPQ right now. Can anyone confirm and give a list of which masterybooks will drop from monster? Please also state wether it is 20 or 30 (ie. for Maple Warrior; MW20) I'm mainly concerned about Shadower Skill/Mastery Books, since I need to remake my Shadower. Side note: Pretty syre that you get all your skills instead of having to quest for them after BB if you reach 120, not sure about pre-existing 4th jobbers.