

MindSpaz #Chat Talk

General Chat

I just watched Tapped It's a terrible movie in my opinion. Trying to scare you to not buy bottled water. Oooooo, bottled water is scary! It uses [i]*dun dun dun* [b]PLASTIC![/b][/i] Humans natural enemy! And they dis on this one guy, over and over and over, I just feel sorry for this one guy, hes just doing his job, it's not a bad job, hes just promoting his product, which happens to be water. They did all these total bullcrap tests on bottled water, saying that if you drink a few bottles of bottled water, you can give yourself an abortion if your pregnant, and you can get cancer. Yep. That's right, you can get cancer from bottled water. This is true to an extent. If you drink bottled water everyday for a few years, then yeah, you can possi

General Chat

Christmas has changed Everyone is all excited about what they are going to get for Christmas, and how happy their items will make them once they get them, but does anyone just care about being with their family's for once, gathering around and sharing the joy? Isn't that what Christmas is really about? Apparently not. Everyone I know is all about what they are going to receive and not what they are going to give. I wish I could have a nice family to give gifts too but my family never likes anything I get them because I never talk to them, and they are so selfish that they actually get upset for getting something that they didn't want that much. When I was younger, I never got any gifts because I never asked for any, and I still don't. But t

General Chat

A rant of sorts *This is aimed at people who are depressed. I was reading a news article or something and it mentioned all these people's horrible lives and stuff like "we should pray for them" and whatnot. And I had an epiphany, our lives are not that bad. I've always thought I have a cruddy life, and I do, but you shoulden't get down about it. People have it much worse than you and I do. You should enjoy the good things you have in life, and if you find nothing good in life, look for the things that are good in life instead of dwelling on the things that are bad or sad or whatever. I'm not saying you shoulden't have emotions, or anything like that, but just think about all the things you have. Clothes, a bed to sleep on, and if

General Chat

How should I feel about this? (I know I'm going to basil for my problems, what about it!) So I'm dating this guy, and we really like each other, but we've been encountering some problems lately for some reason. He just doesn't seem as interested in me. So on Friday, he went to the movies, AND the zoo with his ex, and then I got in a fight with him about it and we made up. And then yesterday, he spent the night at his exes house, what the hell? I haven't talked to him since about 10pm last night and it's almost 10am and he's usually awake by now. He said his phone was about to die but still, I'm getting worried he hasn't even tried to contact me yet (and he usually does). Me and my boyfriend are really close, I don't wanna lose him but at th

General Chat

Look at this beast of a weapon, the Barrett M107 This isn't a very big weapon for the amount of damage it can do. [url=http://ll.broadbandsports.com/images/Barrett82A1.jpg]Take a look,[/url] it's kinda thick for sniper rifle standards and not very long. It's heavy, but the pay off is worth it. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNW3EBxfhbY]Barrett M107, in action[/url] This sniper could probably put a hole right through a armored tank, no joke. It uses [b]50 cal. bullets[/b], those are huge, fast, and very deadly bullets. Not only is this the strongest sniper to date, it is a semi-auto rifle. Yea. No reason why I'm showing this to you guys, I just have a weird fedish for sniper rifles.

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