ModerateTrader #Chat Talk

General Chat

Getting worse day by day -- April is getting pretty hectic for me... > Being temporarily banned in the FM Now... > Grandma is diagnosed with a form of liver cancer, perhaps hepatoma. She is now hospitalized. > Grandpa now requires a wheelchair. > Dad got hit by a car at a supermarket by some stupid driver speeding in the parking lot. Fortunately, he is able to walk. It sucks because I don't have that much time to spend with them during the weekdays because of my university finals. > I'm typing these things on Basil Market instead of finishing up my assignment. FML brb studying to be a doctor.

General Chat

Todays story of my girlfriend and the trust issue There's a trust-issue between us right now. It went down hill after this... Yesterday, my gf decided to text and inform me that she will be focusing on finishing her assignments that were due in a few days. I agreed to give her her space and watch some youtube videos and chat with my guy friends via. RaidCall. Before ending our text conversation, we agreed that she would let me know when she is finished or was on a break (so we can catch up on some things). No text were sent until the I texted her good morning the very next day (today). I decided to browse around her phone and play some games... until she received a text. It was from one of her guy friends and apparently they were on the pho