MooseSSesooM #Chat Talk

General Chat

So this kid in my class (Title) traded his BRAND NEW iPhone 4 or w/e they call the newest one, for his brothers... iPhone 3GS jailbroken, but tethered. Any ways, after calling him a complete fool for trading it, he was going to show me the apps he has on it, and then it told him to plug it in the computer and sync to iTunes so it could restore itself. I'm not too sure about iPods and stuff, so I want to know if he IS a complete and utter fool for trading or what. Seems how if he had a brand new one, shouldn't it be better than the old one?

General Chat

So this kid in my class (Title) traded his BRAND NEW iPhone 4 or w/e they call the newest one, for his brothers... iPhone 3GS jailbroken, but tethered. Any ways, after calling him a complete fool for trading it, he was going to show me the apps he has on it, and then it told him to plug it in the computer and sync to iTunes so it could restore itself. I'm not too sure about iPods and stuff, so I want to know if he IS a complete and utter fool for trading or what. Seems how if he had a brand new one, shouldn't it be better than the old one?

General Chat

My local news spent too much time on internet. Sorry for the bad grammar in the title, it was too long. The title was supposed to be "My local news station has spent too much time on the internet." Anyways, they were talking about this hokey place and the hokey place had this event supporting Charlie Sheen. At the end, they said "Are these people truly supporting Charlie, or are they just with the [i]trolls[/i]?" (Then they showed a few clips of people there saying stuff like "Winning, DUH!" and junk.) I was shocked, why would they say "trolls"? How much time have the writers spent on the internet? A while ago, they even compared something to "Double rainbows"! Off topic, yesterday I seen a