

MrFroggie #Hero Talk

General Hero

Fighter help please Hey everyone So I want to pick up my fighter that I neglected from when I started maybe 4 years ago? Right now it's at lvl 52, 70 base dex, rest into Str. It has max GW, Rage, Mastery, and 6 booster iirc Where should I train him now? Dark Drakes? I seem to be missing a lot on them (seems like I should though since they are lvl 58) What potions should I use for HP at this point? I got so used to CPQing for so long with it that I can't use White Potions now due to 4k HP Also, is it alright to have my dex where it is now? Or reset? My only problem with resetting at this point is that it will have 0 to little funding (I want to focus ALL my funds onto my hermit lol). I guess the question is, is it possible to have a good dex