

MrHoodoo #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Planning, and i could use some help with this So recently i started crunching some numbers, since i've been warned that BB or whatever we're calling it, is changing the ACC formula. In any case, i've been mulling over the idea of going Low dex - Reg dex and haven't come to a conclusion. To start i'll list what i have, and what i've gotten to so far: 25dex, 18 luk Targar (luk) - 2 line potential (6% luk) 17 luk, 1 dex Dark Pirate Top - 2 line potential (NEEDS CUBING) hoping for 9/6 luk 6 dex, 6 luk Dark Pirate Pants 4 slots - 3 line potential (i hope to cube for 9/6/6 luk or HB/6/6) 12 atk 2 luk PWG - hammered 2 dex 3 atk Pharoh belt - 3 line (cubing hoping again for something like 9/6/6 or 9/6/ etc....) 6 luk half earrings - 3 line (3% luk,

General Nightlord

Hermit Questions could use some help so i have some questions quite important to me with all of the changes, and i've been a bit out of the Forum loop on SW and basil, so here it goes: 1. From what i understand, skill books (TT10, VS10 etc...) are no longer needed, only TT20/TT30 respectively are. Is that the case now? 2. Skills have changed up drasticly, Avenger can now pump out more damage than L7 per hit if you have a decent mob. Also, Hermits can now attack at close ranges, Does this make Ninja Ambush useless? 3. Dark Flare... that is all... Personally i love it, and i'm curious to know something that interested me. Say you have a dark flare down, and you hit an enemy that has damage reflection up, would the progression go: Hit, Reflect

General Nightlord

Equip upgrade questions So i was speaking with some other maplers and they suggested these upgrades: 5 atk 2 line epic FS -> 3 line unique 80 + thief shoes. Is 15 - 21% to a stat better than 5 atk and say 6/4 % stats 4 atk 0 slots 3 line rare PAC -> 3 line lvl 75+ cape is 15-21% better than 4 attack and up to 6/4/4 % to a stat? Is a reverse lubav still a good upgrade? i mean a 10 attack 2 or 3 lined lubav is good but is SE from gloves still worth it? should i upgrade to a Ravana or Czak helm? (current targar is 25 dex 18 luk 2 line epic) Should i scrap my 2 lined 19 luk 1 dex epic Dark pirate top for a 3 lined lvl 80+ top? Thanks ^_^ Subconscious