

MrKeoni #Gms Talk

General Gms

Restarting Maple - Need some help finding my way Broa It's been about two years since I last played Maple and I'm looking to get back into it just to fill my spare time between games of LoL and when I need a break from it. I'm a 16x Phantom and I was pretty well funded (130k damage range with my own buffs iirc, servers are down rn though). I have absolutely no idea where to train (LHC apparently doesn't give the same EXP as it did a couple years ago?), no friends to play with, and really no idea what I'm doing in general. So if anyone can help me with where I should train, general good-to-know economy things, which class it the strongest, etc, that would be amazing. ;w; Also with MS2 coming out, is this game even worth putting energy into?