

MrTutty #Updates Talk

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MapleStory wont work on windows vista? Hey, two months ago I tried getting maplestory on my Sony Vaio windows vista home premium 64 bit laptop. It lagged horribly, it froze, and the game was pretty much unplayable. I tried running it on compatibility mode, with no luck. I want to try it again on my laptop, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to get the same results... how can I fix this? I have PC with MapleStory on it (windows 7, it works perfectly on it), but I don't get much time on it so I want it on this.

General Updates

Can't Go to the FM Without Lagging Hey guys. Last Sunday, I re-downloaded MS after quitting for two months. The first thing I did was go to FM Ch1.I was lagging a lot when I first entered, but as I moved in towards the mob of players, I froze. I had to end maplestory.exe for me to finally close the game. This has been happening for the past week. Everytime I go to FM Ch1, I always have to exit maplestory. I was able to go to the FM fine, and have little lags before I quit in September. What happened? My guildie said it was something about me having Windows XP and nexon screwing it over. What did he mean by that?