MudkipPiratez #Updates Talk

General Updates

Finally a work around to Error Code 51 [b]Background Info[/b] To those who don't know, when you go to charge NX by using PayPal or Credit Card you get an [url='d2556d461624d]Error Code 51[/url] if you've been blocked. This stops certain people from getting NX by any other means besides buying cards at stores. [b]What You Need To Do First[/b] You need to make an UltimatePay account to do this though. (This is where you purchase UltimatePoints) [url=]This is the website where you need to sign up at.[/url] Purchase 10$ or 30$ of UltimatePoints to spend on NX. [b]How To Get The NX[/b] Here is a walkthrough how to purchase NX using your UltimatePoints. [url=

General Updates

Important Info with Angelic Busters Hair Angelic Busters cannot have the same hair style + same hair color on both forms. </3 If you try to do it, it will give you an error, saying to try again later. You can have the same hair but different color on both forms though. I encountered this accidentally when trying to change my hair to a royal I wanted.... lets just say I spent more than I SHOULD have. Just getting this out so others don't have to suffer. >.<