MusicalAryama #Chat Talk

General Chat

GunZ 2 The Second Duel The revival of the fast-paced gravity-defying third-person shooter from a decade ago. [url=]Trailer.[/url] [i]Gonna assume that most people here have played GunZ before.[/i] Personally I think this game looks amazing. It retains the original action that the original GunZ gave and tops it off with nice graphics and a dynamic physics engine. The new 3-class system also addresses the balance issues that the original GunZ had. Most veterans are probably gonna get all butthurt over K-style being gone, but I think they're overestimating its value. It was an annoyingly repetitive, finger-numbing metagame (based on massive glitching) that made GunZ horribly unbalanced and just broken ov

General Chat

Black Mesa The Ultimate Half-Life re-make Releases this Friday! <3 And was just confirmed for Steam! Critics like Kotaku, Rock, Paper, Shotgun!, and IGN have already marveled at the authenticity of this game after testing it for themselves. The Black Mesa team has claimed that they've utilized the Source Engine to its fullest capabilities over the 8 years of development. This is the first Half-Life game in 5 years, and I'm just excited that it's finally gonna see the light in a matter of days! [url=]Wiki for those who don't know what Black Mesa is.[/url] [url=]Official Trailer[/url] [url=]Black Mesa Trib

General Chat

Religion threads in a nutshell Topic is usually something that sets the stage for a flame war, or maybe it's some casual question like "what religion are u?" or something (doesn't really matter). 1st page: "lol, flame war incoming", some guys claim to be religious or atheist then just leave the thread. Some other atheist, or whoever, decides to add fuel to the fire by questioning another person's beliefs. (several pages later) 11th page: Various paragraphs/walls of flame everywhere because the posters have nothing better to do with their lives but participate in arguments with Anonymous Internet denizens. Seriously, cut it with the religion threads. All they do is bring more unnecessary hate on Basil. :|

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