

Brawler or thunder breaker

I am really debating wether to make a regular brawler or thunder breaker or a DK, I have a question though...
What Is the difference between a regular brawler and a thunder breaker? And how long does it take to train both of them to level 80?
And as of right now I have 35mill and a bunch of pre good maple items to sell so would I be able to decently fund a brawler or thunder breaker or would that be a waste of time? Lol ( I haven't played this for a while just recently returned from a year break )

May 2, 2012

13 Comments • Newest first


[quote=LazerDragonz]if you wanna get passed 120 do not make a bucc, unless it is a UA. easiest one to get over 120 is a Drk. if you just want to have a nice punching experience without wanting to get passed 120, then go thunder breaker, because buccs do not really become fun until after 120[/quote]

i had allot of fun training my brawler,i think the 4th job is more boring cus its all ds ds ds ds all the time, with my brawler i used almost all the skills and it was hella fun

Reply May 4, 2012

[quote=Tricks122]There's really not much difference past level 120. Buccaneers pretty much boil down to the same gameplay mechanics, UA or not. The only thing is if you're a perfectionist and really want Sharkwave, then UA's are a HUGE time saver. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter which one you pick.[/quote]

Sharkwave is a massive benefit to the buccaneer job post-revamp.


Reply May 4, 2012 - edited

[quote=WizTasticxxD]so you guys are saying just regular buccs arent that good anymore and UA buccs are alot of better?[/quote]

There's really not much difference past level 120. Buccaneers pretty much boil down to the same gameplay mechanics, UA or not. The only thing is if you're a perfectionist and really want Sharkwave, then UA's are a HUGE time saver. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter which one you pick.

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

so you guys are saying just regular buccs arent that good anymore and UA buccs are alot of better?

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

[quote=NorthHillHenesy]^ no we use 3-4 main skills with the supplement of csb or bsb for pulling mobs. Tell me do you use uppercut/shockwave/drain(maybe drain but I'll argue that potions are more efficient/orb/snatch from time to time but with csb and bsb it really isn't needed much. So yes we do use a few skills but we don't apply just about every skill.[/quote]

Yes. I do actually. I use DU to finish off single mobs because it's quick and effective as a finisher. I use EO at bears to "get their attention" so that they are in range so that I can cascade DS from the top platform and flow directly into a CSB/BSB on the lower platform without having to move to them. Or I spam EO and kill them from top platform. I guess it's different because I play with a bluetooth controller rather than a keyboard most of the time. I pretty much use every skill on it except Flash Fist, Sommersault Kick, and Shockwave. I guess I wasn't really thinking about a keyboard's control, but I assume it's essentially the same.

Ok what does training momentum even mean? If you mean the pace of training and not slipping in speed, that seems pretty negligible. Lastly, our skill combos are jokes and parlor tricks. Inefficient, save money? Sure, but who cares.[/quote]

By training momentum, I mean the ability to consistently attack while moving. I believe we do that well, whether it be by rushing, jump-casting skills, or by cascading skills (leaping downward from a platform while executing an attack as a finisher). It compensates for the long cast time of the brunt of our skills to some degree.

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

[quote=NorthHillHenesy]^ no we use 3-4 main skills with the supplement of csb or bsb for pulling mobs. Tell me do you use uppercut/shockwave/drain(maybe drain but I'll argue that potions are more efficient/orb/snatch from time to time but with csb and bsb it really isn't needed much. So yes we do use a few skills but we don't apply just about every skill.

We're pretty good at aoe, single target is meh, demo is too slow compared to other classes. We have no team support buffs anymore everyone who need is has decent si. And let's be honest terrain? Terrain pretty much means lkc now </3 anyone with FJ is more mobile than us so there's vertually no way to compensate for FJ. Level 50-110 seems pretty negligible, but since ts said level80 dk is faster probably simply because of soul rush or whatever it's called.. And what do you mean mob control? If you mean mashing up mobs into one ball and stapling them together every class can do that really most of then are better than us.
We have nice mobbing attacks yes, but that is now dwarfed in comparison to demonslayers now with their 8 mob attacks. But since we're talking about dk let's review, soul jump then rush then spam dark impale to keep them in place. They can do it faster thereby consuming less time.

Ok what does training momentum even mean? If you mean the pace of training and not slipping in speed, that seems pretty negligible. Lastly, our skill combos are jokes and parlor tricks. Inefficient, save money? Sure, but who cares.

So what do I mean by all this? All I'm saying is your ideas of the class is good if we were taking about prebb buccaneer. Bb makes everything nonsense. I'm not trying to discredit you or anything but I'm telling him what buccs can really do now. We're the freaking joke class of maple it's the equivalent of making a barbarian on diablo. we have these glowing attacks but it's so damn slow anyone with can outdmg in dpm. We have high damage skills but as I said is so slow.
So, ts, don't make a bucc based on what we are now, we're junk now. Watch some videos of post revamp buccs because that's what we will be soon. But if you ask me I'd still make a bucc.[/quote]

DU had it's uses in a variety of situations but the fact that it currently has no use isn't the fault of the skill being bad but the developers being stupid. Orb has uses. Snatch also has (underrated) uses. Or did we forget CSB/BSB range is pitiful compared to snatch?

Decent SI is still fairly difficult to get and even so a +1 speed increase in the majority of cases is appreciated. The dispel argument is also not worth much because our current buff cast time is leagues lower than literally every other class in the game being we only have two unique dispelable buffs. No way to compensate for mobility? You used the BSB/CSB argument and now you abandon it? Maybe you can't compensate for mobility because you don't use snatch. And LOL. No class has the mob control buccaneers currently do. Every class with the exception of cannoneers needs to move around to gather a mob that is surrounding them. Buccaneers don't have to move at all. Mob control also extends to bossing situations (because by definition mob control is the ability to keep a mob or group of mobs in your control) which, again, buccaneers excel in more than any other class. Even if you've seen PB i guarantee you've just spammed demo the entire time rather than pinning him and preventing him from attacking which is where we truly shine.

Training momentum has a lot of meanings but i wasn't sure what she was talking about and i more or less agree with you on this anyway. Skill combos being inefficient is moot. There isn't a class to compare to and we really don't have a choice but to combo in certain situations anyway.

The fact that we're weak is obvious, no one argues that. To say you shouldn't make one simply based on that alone is shallow and hilarious given that we haven't had a revamp since chaos. (which is a damn long time) You're also only judging the class on damage and saying it's junk when you completely fail to realize the functional potential of the moveset like the majority of nimrods who attempt to know what they're talking about concerning the class.

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

Make a TB, get it to 120, Make UA Bucc, with sharks you will be 120 in no time. + some buffs, like empress blessing, ua hp/mp boost and abillity to wear items 10 levels higher then you. Its pretty nice. Also Hawkeye's Lightning can be somewhat useful.

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

Hmm... Sorry, but we don't really know any thing about you, so it's difficult to decide what you'd prefer. Maybe you could describe what you're looking for in a class? A Cygnus knight is a Cygnus knight; they cap too early to actually consider using as a main player and they can't really be a part of any of the end-game content or boss runs that are traditional for classes that cap much later. Consequently, most of the time a player considers making a CK, they do so for the indirect perks, such as the passive attack buff. Now, if that's all you really want and you're content with that, then yes, a TB will train quickly and effectively with low funds. Because Buccaneers are very closely related to TBs, it would make sense to make the TB and then a Brawler to preserve the equips and your sense of how to play as one effectively.

A DK, however, isn't really similiar to a Brawler in many discernible ways. Like Buccaneers, DKs have a very high level of durability and blossom later in their end-game, but DKs are much more direct, yet much easier to control. DKs, like most warriors, use a single or maybe 2 main attacking skills, supplementing it with buffs and can train effectively without using most previously-acquired skills. Buccaneers, however, apply just about every skill acquired since 2nd Job.

Currently, Buccaneers have a higher level of mob control when played competently, yet DKs have a higher potency against mobs regardless of the effort poured into it. With Slipstream, DKs are likely to cover more ground without having to consider the terrain as much as Buccaneers would have to, yet at the same time, a Buccaneer who is versed in their skills can easily compensate without cutting their training momentum.

There are a number of factors that can be considered; both classes are very durable, so they tend to be very cost-effective, but I don't like picking classes for people. Just look at their skill tables, watch some videos of how they hunt and such, maybe even hover around the FM for a while and observe the trend in the cost of equips. Most importantly, weigh out what qualities you actually want in a class and pick the best fit for the most enjoyable experience.

...Also, getting to 80 takes fairly little effort; you could play very casually and still make it to 80 by the end of the week.

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

I dunno if it's just me but I started having fun in 3rd job 4th job skills was just a super huge bonus to me xD.

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

if you wanna get passed 120 do not make a bucc, unless it is a UA. easiest one to get over 120 is a Drk. if you just want to have a nice punching experience without wanting to get passed 120, then go thunder breaker, because buccs do not really become fun until after 120

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

He means the 24 atk (30 atk is you get Noble Mind to 6) that you get from Empress's Blessing

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

Im sorry I did not really understand what you were saying lol

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

Well I definitely want to get past 120 lol I've never gotten past 120. so yeah it would make my life a whole lot better if I can even get to 120 lol.

and Thunder breaker and Brawler have pre much all the same skills except for shark wave. or what ever its called

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited