NamesBoreMe #Chat Talk

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Apple Terms of Service Ok, who the hell copyrights a website (under unfair competition laws)? Anyway, I wonder whether anyone has ever read this... Look at these terms of service for their WEBSITE (who the hell copyrights a website?). They hold no responsibility for anything whatsoever, they have everything on the website copyrighted under unfair laws, they can sue you for a trivial reason and you have to pay the court fees too. [b] TLDR: Read it. Apple can do anything they want, they've copyrighted the website's layout and everything on the website, you cannot quote or link people to the website, the website may have random links which give you viruses, we don't have warranties, we can lie and don't have to tell you, we can do anything we

General Chat

Touhou stage 6 boss themes are so awesome [url=]Septette for the dead princess[/url] [url=]Border of Life[/url] [url=]Fate of Sixty Years[/url] [url=]Suwa Foughten Field[/url] [url=]Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion[/url] [url=]Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind[/url] The stage 6 themes in order from TH5 - TH12 (I never really liked TH13) are listed above. Have a listen and feel free to leave any game's BGMs up for all of us to enjoy.

General Chat

The problem with popular culture Original song, masterpiece, absolute brilliance, Score: 3/10 Remixed death metal, screechy ear bleeding version of the song, Score: 9/10 Remixed rap version with random annoying 3rd party noises, Score: 9/10 Instrumental version of the song, Score: 0/10 Piano version of the song, people spamming innuendos and LF>More hands in the comments, Score: 8/10 ಠ_ಠ Explanation: Although there's nothing wrong with remixes (some of which are actually better than the original), its just this feels wrong. You know whats worse? Saying that the ORIGINAL was based off a REMIXED version. Just some things I picked up on recently about song ratings on some websites.