

Nanitop #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

Battle Mage 2 Job Build Second Job SP Build Standard Build Highly Recommended This build is another build I created but again you can go anyway you want aslong as at lv 70 all the skills are maxed except Blood Drain. Why choose Blue Aura instead of Blood Drain? Because Blue Aura targets the whole party and that's very important because The Battle Mage is a party class. You can go solo BM but they're not as powerful and it's more difficult to get into Boss Quests. Another reason for Blue Aura is because of Advanced Blue Aura which is available in the 3rd Job Advancement and is very useful. I put Staff Mastery before Quad Blow because Quad Blow isn't nescesary at that time and your attack would be greater with Mastery + Triple Blow, Put one i