

Nasri #Chat Talk

General Chat

Fun with a cost Well, I went to the fair 2day with some ppl from my school and I had lots of fun. I spent all my money on some chicks and gave my ride tickets to my friend. Even after all those good things and fun i would think it couldn't get any better. And i was right, it actually didnt get better, infact, it got MUCh worse. I left my friends at around 8:30 pm. I was suppose to get a ride from the bus home. but the bus never came. My moms fone is off and im just here chillin alone in the cold. Its 11:45 atm and im posting this from my fone. I have to say. Even though the end didnt turn out well, the fun was stil worth it. Im just not sure how much longer i can last here though, my fone is at about 10% battery :/ Wish me luck pp

General Chat

Are you a blatant person? I say things blatantly about 100% of the time. And this goes with anything, for example: if somone is really ugly, ill go up to them and be like..."You are ugly as crap" or be sarcastic like..."Why you so pretty?...SIKE...*insert somthing true*" or even if its my opinion about somtihng, idk. But im a blatant person. So im asking you guys are you the same way? Dont get me wrong, im caution in what i say because i wouldnt say somthing that would provoke something bad, but about 95% of the time. Ill say anything about anything or anybody. So...are you guys blatant as well? And if you say "No" please say why you are not.