

Could Someone help me Locate Guardian 20?

I have been searching for G20 for a month now and I have yet to find one, I saw only 1 in the whole FM (sold of course) and have been grinding on Hankies (I have been searching there for 3 days now and its super boring) because I was told they dropped them. I'm not sure if that is just rumor or truth or not but I gave it a shot anyways. Does anyone happen to know of any monsters that drop it? Or perhaps someone who is willing to sell one? All help would be appreciated, thank you!

September 17, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


basil auctions. its the fm for lazy people

Reply September 18, 2012

At least it's less than 2mil

Reply September 18, 2012

Aw well that kinda bites, thank you for letting me know this. I shall continue scouring the FM then. Thank you.

Reply September 17, 2012

Mastery books don't drop anymore because they have been replaced with mystery mastery books. So your best bet of finding one is in the fm.

Reply September 17, 2012