

NightCodex #Chat Talk

General Chat

What do you guys think of my fiction So this is a story for a RPG I am creating.... I would just like your people's opinions on what I could maybe change in the lore, or if you guys like it or absolutely hate it :p Here it is: The legend of the Acendas A long time ago our world was visited by strange beings. They didn't seem to be from this world, more like beings that crawled out of the depths of hell. They called themselves the Acendas and said they came here to enslave our world to their bidding. The Acendas seemed to had no moral and destroyed anyone that got in their way. People feared for their lives and all the hearts of every man and women in all the 5 kingdoms were filled with fear and desperation. Prayers to Athis seemed to be lef

General Chat

Nuclear Meltdown Japan So we all know about the big problems Japan is having right now, but what we might forget is that what happands in Japan for the following days wil decide for howlong we can still be alive. I'm talking about a nuclear meltdown. For those of you that don't know what that is, please allow me to explain : Japan is known for having multiple Nuclear powerplants. These powerplants generate alot of heat. In order to cool them down they use a special cooling system. This is similair to when you wanna have it a little bit warmer in your car. This cooling system has failed now thanks to the Tsunami. What could happan now is that the core, might melt in the earth. Since it's generating alot of heat it would first melt down the c

General Chat

kind of dissapointed I kind of wished for some more fun April Fools jokes by companies. The few I found were kind of funny and interesting (like the MW3 playlist change and the LoL CHEW game), but I wanted a few more fun things. I remember last year Maplestory did Eric... this year all they did was give us a box with a mount in it, like a Hot Time... That's great and all, but personaly, I would much rather get a video to watch for a few minuts (even though it is poorly made as always with Nexon's videos) than get a Mount that I will most likely just throw away.... :( This April Fools was kind of boring.... nothing too spectacular.... am I the only one?