

NinjaCars #Thief Talk

General Thief

Dual Blader vs Shadowers [b] ~ Notice: I will level my DB/Shadower-to-be till lvl70 atleast before Big Bang is even released. ~ [/b] So I'm reading in some topics that Shadowers are going to get Shadow Partner and FJ as well in 4th job when Big Bang gets out. Is that 100% true? If so, wich would be the best to choose on these factors: * Fun 1~10? * Flashyness 1~10? * Damage 1~10? (Not trying to be a damage hoe, but I like powaaaaaah XD) * Speed of leveling 1~10? Thank you in advance. One last question btw Is it true that: If you level a KOC to lvl120, you get a chance to start a lv50 adventuer + 1 skill from the KOC? IF so, would that be faster, funnier, flashier & higher damage then being a Dual Blader? [i]Edit~ Sorry for grammar fails