

Nyniceguy #Icelightningarchmage Talk

General Icelightningarchmage

i dont know which to pick Ok, guys I maded a battle mage 2weeks ago got him to 116 just to realize that I massed up with his sp (didn't mad blue aura therefor not being able to have the abv blue aura which is very helpfull) so I was hoping I would get a sp rest scroll cz after all I'm still a battle MAGE! But it didn't turn out that way + sp rest doesn't sell in cs. So I'm thinking of starting a i/l well I alway like i/l play style but never really had time to make one. Should I make an i/l? Or should I keep going on my battle mage? Also seen the update n the whole exp drop...I'm not sure where I should try help?