
Price Check on advanced item crystal and Luk ores

What are the following worth in Scania:

LUK Crystal Ore
Advance Item Crystal

December 4, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


@ehnogi: Actually, ores cost less than 400k. What's more, people don't buy ores because of the risk of getting purple powder when refining. LUK Crystals are the ones which cost 900k - 1.3m ea.

Hope this helps.


Reply December 5, 2012


Weren't LUK ores used for androids? Dang I didn't know they were 1.3 mill each.

Reply December 4, 2012

Nothing. People will sell them for 1.3m or so because of mining bots and desperate miners who would sell their mother to get mesos if they could.

Reply December 4, 2012