

OmNomBom #Chat Talk

General Chat

Failed your new year's resolutions yet? I said I'd go to bed no later than midnight (when reasonable to do so), drive more, not let a drop of alcohol pass my lips, revise for my exams and tidy my room completely. EDIT: And no unnecessary spending. It's midnight and everything from my unsuccessful room tidy attempt is lying EVERYWHERE, all over the bed and floor. As this room tidying has taken me 12 hours, I haven't even started studying. I give up. I'm going to get up at 6am and drive to my boyfriend's house so at least I do one of my resolutions. Although I'm being a chicken by leaving early to avoid traffic. What about yours?

General Chat

Failed your new year's resolutions yet? I said I'd go to bed no later than midnight (when reasonable to do so), drive more, not let a drop of alcohol pass my lips, revise for my exams and tidy my room completely. EDIT: And no unnecessary spending. It's midnight and everything from my unsuccessful room tidy attempt is lying EVERYWHERE, all over the bed and floor. As this room tidying has taken me 12 hours, I haven't even started studying. I give up. I'm going to get up at 6am and drive to my boyfriend's house so at least I do one of my resolutions. Although I'm being a chicken by leaving early to avoid traffic. What about yours?

General Chat

I am in need of some funky new music. Okay, not really funky music, more uh, acoustic-y stuff, and some dancey stuff, or whatever, I'm open minded. Basically, over the next couple of months, I will have many, many long bus journeys and walks ahead of me, and I need some music to go with them. I just had my iPhone replaced (for the 3rd time in the space of a week - that's another story) and rather than resyncing all my old songs, I think I'm going to go for some new stuff. Can anyone recommend anything to me? Here's what sort of stuff I have on Spotify/iTunes these days: Passion Pit, Death Cab for Cutie, Damien Rice, David Bowie, The Postal Service, Florence and the Machine, Green Day, MGMT, The Cure, The Wombats, Nouvelle Vague, Broken Soci

General Chat

It's the revision recess Every hour, the radio station I'm listening to plays a "revision recess" song as a break for all the people studying for exams this week. FINALLY, a schedule I can stick to, and kinda dance to :D~ I'm using my break to tell you guys ;D Anyone else have exams/finals/all that fun stuff? Two more and I'm DONE :) Roll on Comp Arch and Programming Challenges... Although it's beyond me that two WRITTEN programming exams (assembly language and java) are 60% and 40% (respectively) of our grade for that module. Sigh... Anyone else who should be studying - take a break every hour to come back to Basil, for the length of one song, and get stuck back into your work :D EDIT: Took me five attempts to post this because &

General Chat

Whats your favourite quotmidnightquot snack? Alright, I've been on a bit of a food roll recently... And by "midnight" I mean any time from like 11pm-5am haha. Any later and it becomes early breakfast :p EDIT: Title is meant to say "midnight", but if you want to call it quotmidnightquot, be my guest! My dad couldn't sleep and asked me about three hours ago (at 1am) if I wanted to go to Tesco with him (think Walmart). I agreed, then we hit up McDonald's and got two tasty Big Mac's about 3:30 and now I am home and sleepy with a full tummy :D I can say that satiated any "midnight" snack cravings I've had for a while. Normally I just go for pasta or crisps though, what about you?

General Chat

Whats your favourite quotmidnightquot snack? Alright, I've been on a bit of a food roll recently... And by "midnight" I mean any time from like 11pm-5am haha. Any later and it becomes early breakfast :p EDIT: Title is meant to say "midnight", but if you want to call it quotmidnightquot, be my guest! My dad couldn't sleep and asked me about three hours ago (at 1am) if I wanted to go to Tesco with him (think Walmart). I agreed, then we hit up McDonald's and got two tasty Big Mac's about 3:30 and now I am home and sleepy with a full tummy :D I can say that satiated any "midnight" snack cravings I've had for a while. Normally I just go for pasta or crisps though, what about you?

General Chat

Housemates are really religious, not a problem until [b]EDIT: This was -not- intended to be a thread about homosexuality and Christianity, it was about whether or not I'm over-reacting by considering not living with someone because they're homophobic because of their beliefs, something they can't really help I suppose :/[/b] Alright so my housemates are fairly religious and I'm more or less atheist, maybe a little curious. Let's say a wee bit agnostic. I need you guys to let me know if I'm over-reacting or not. I have always known my housemates are Christians and I also used to be one, their religion has never bothered me. Until recently. One of them (I've known her for five years, met her through a mutual friend who went to school with me)

General Chat

Housemates are really religious, not a problem until [b]EDIT: This was -not- intended to be a thread about homosexuality and Christianity, it was about whether or not I'm over-reacting by considering not living with someone because they're homophobic because of their beliefs, something they can't really help I suppose :/[/b] Alright so my housemates are fairly religious and I'm more or less atheist, maybe a little curious. Let's say a wee bit agnostic. I need you guys to let me know if I'm over-reacting or not. I have always known my housemates are Christians and I also used to be one, their religion has never bothered me. Until recently. One of them (I've known her for five years, met her through a mutual friend who went to school with me)

General Chat

How long have you frequented the chat forum O I first started using Basil in 2006 and now I'm back again, returning for the 489795th time, procrastination at its finest... It's almost the same, but a few things have changed. Fewer posts and opinions, I think the dawn of memes has changed a few things in regards to content. Maybe I'm just being silly. Maybe I don't wanna do this Data Structures and Algorithms practical and am talking crap so that I don't have to alt-tab back to it, who knows? I don't recognise anyone either, perhaps there are less regulars and more casual posters. Those are the changes I can think of. There are still the obligatory "post your picture" and religion threads. Fewer flame wars, I guess there are more b

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