

Oscuuz #Chat Talk

General Chat

What kind of music do you listen to? Hey there. First of all, in case you're going to ask, I didn't make this thread a poll, because I wouldn't be able to fit too many genres in it, and if I did put some genres together, there would be always that one person (or many) who would rage about it. I, myself usually listen to all kinds of music. On my spotify playlist, there are currently 3108 tracks, which all of them are great. These days I mainly listen to metal music. I love the 80's metal bands like Megadeth, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, (older) Metallica, Anthrax and Slayer, the good old classic Pink Floyd, but I also love these newer 'heavier' bands, like Machine Head and Trivium. I also like progressive metal, like Dream Theater, Porcupine

General Chat

Cheer my painful evening up, basil Reason for pain? Earlier dentist. My toothbraces were adjusted again, and I got these power chains so we can finish up my orthodontics by bringing my top front teeth (first three ones on both side) together, thus closing the small holes between each teeth. I'm super hungry, I've got a pizza soon-to-be-put in oven, but my teeth hurt so much that my whole forehead and the sides of my head are aching hard. I just took a pain killer. Please ease my pain by telling something funny, linking some good videos, pictures, websites, games, anything! ps. I'm waiting for the pain to ease, so I can finally eat...

General Chat

Rip long hair response - how I look like now [b]ARGH, accidentaly went back a webpage in my browser when I was almost finished with writing this whole thread, ugh. Wrote a lot shortened version now.[/b] Anyways. You might remember my thread [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/forum/2361524/5/Rip_Long_hair_thank_you_for_the_wonderful_10_years.html]R.I.P Long hair thank you for the wonderful 10 years[/url]. Life has been pretty much awesome since I got the dreads. My life was good before, but now girls find me more appealing and so on. I also like how these look and I love these also in every other way; 1) Easier to take care of compared to straight hair (Proper wash once a week + scalp every other day, had to wash straight hair every day) 2) Don

General Chat

Rip long hair response - how I look like now [b]ARGH, accidentaly went back a webpage in my browser when I was almost finished with writing this whole thread, ugh. Wrote a lot shortened version now.[/b] Anyways. You might remember my thread [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/forum/2361524/5/Rip_Long_hair_thank_you_for_the_wonderful_10_years.html]R.I.P Long hair thank you for the wonderful 10 years[/url]. Life has been pretty much awesome since I got the dreads. My life was good before, but now girls find me more appealing and so on. I also like how these look and I love these also in every other way; 1) Easier to take care of compared to straight hair (Proper wash once a week + scalp every other day, had to wash straight hair every day) 2) Don

General Chat

Diablo 3 discussion Hey guys. What are your thoughts on Diablo 3? Have you already pre-ordered it, or are you going to buy it at some point, or not buy it at all? I hope May 15th would come faster. I've been off games for quite a while now, but I'm really hyped up of Diablo 3. What class are you going to pick? I myself am strongly into Witch Doctor. Just liking how you can summon pets and other creatures to help beside you and also have many powerful skills that you can use while alone. Vote below and comment what class you're choosing and why!

General Chat

Diablo 3 discussion Hey guys. What are your thoughts on Diablo 3? Have you already pre-ordered it, or are you going to buy it at some point, or not buy it at all? I hope May 15th would come faster. I've been off games for quite a while now, but I'm really hyped up of Diablo 3. What class are you going to pick? I myself am strongly into Witch Doctor. Just liking how you can summon pets and other creatures to help beside you and also have many powerful skills that you can use while alone. Vote below and comment what class you're choosing and why!

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