

Oscuuz #Marksman Talk

General Marksman

What to improve? Hey fellow bowmen. I've been wondering how to upgrade my range. Here's a list of my equips: 15 / 16 Zhelm. (10 slots) 10 dex 1 att PaC. (0 slots) 4 / 5, 10 att MoN. (Well duh. f3) Clean level 55 earrings, 9 dex pot. 4 / 12 Red arnah shoes. (0 slots) 2 w. att pharaoh belt (1 slot); 6 / 4 red belt [1 more slot for a 100% belt str] Clean dragon glasses. Time traveler medal ; Master adventurer medal. 3 Zombie rings ; Adventurer's critical ring / Lilin's 3rd ring. 11 att Work gloves. (0 slots, hammered once) 9 str 11 dex reverse overall, total +18 STR pot. (Unleveled, clean) Well, once a while my friend borrows me a 139 att nesch with +10 w. att pot, but I'm using a 112 att nesch atm. (No slots :C) So those are my equips. Atm I