

Does anyone use full clean empress?

If anyone here uses full, clean empress (unscrolled and unpotted), what's your range? What other equips besides the empress stuff do you use? And what is your average damage? I'm surveying to see if it would be decent to just chaos a set of empress and be done with it, or start the painstaking task of building up %luk equips.

October 25, 2012

8 Comments • Newest first


[quote=nikeball123]Clean avg canes are 800-900m in Windia.[/quote]

All the people I've asked in my alliance said 2b, this is in Broa. I sure hope it isn't 2b... I'd even buy a below average one if it was at least less than 1b.

Reply October 25, 2012

[quote=wingless666]well just saying since most people buy the set and scroll their own cane seeing as how a clean empress cane is like 2 bil >.< sadly[/quote]

Clean avg canes are 800-900m in Windia.

Reply October 25, 2012

[quote=Wubzey]I have full clean empress with avg atk when combined together (4 atk overall 0 atk shoes/cape) with 9% luk earrings, legendary ring, crit ring, last silent crusade ring with 2 atk and some other one. I have a 1% luk 30% pdr card and a 2% luk belt(ewww) and a 128 atk no pot vl cane.
With rage, combo , se, mw 13, aria 30, and all my other buffs I have a 23-26 or 27k range
I can hit 60-70k mille per hit (max level) and 110k carte noire at a 100% crit rate.

Hope this helps[/quote]

Thanks, this really does help. Your equips is pretty much what I expect to have.

Reply October 25, 2012

I have full clean empress with avg atk when combined together (4 atk overall 0 atk shoes/cape) with 9% luk earrings, legendary ring, crit ring, last silent crusade ring with 2 atk and some other one. I have a 1% luk 30% pdr card and a 2% luk belt(ewww) and a 128 atk no pot vl cane.
With rage, combo , se, mw 13, aria 30, and all my other buffs I have a 23-26 or 27k range
I can hit 60-70k mille per hit (max level) and 110k carte noire at a 100% crit rate.

Hope this helps

Reply October 25, 2012

well just saying since most people buy the set and scroll their own cane seeing as how a clean empress cane is like 2 bil >.< sadly

Reply October 25, 2012

With weapon. Without weapon would sort of defeat the main purpose of getting the full set.

Reply October 25, 2012

are you talking about full with weapon or just armor because i am intrested in seeing how many people have the actualy full thief sets with weapons and their range

Reply October 25, 2012

@AnmolxD Thanks, hopefully a DB's range is similar to a Phantom's range.

Reply October 25, 2012