

dual blade and ts

so i just got to lvl 56 yesterday and i know im supposed to max fj but do i max fj first and save points for mirror? then can i max ts or should i wait for something else......since there is no fatsus guide out there or i cant find it idk what to do

edit i mean lvl 55

November 21, 2010

10 Comments • Newest first



I've trained there for 10 levels as well. FA gathered those mobs, and upper stab just wasn't helpful yet. If FA didn't gather enough, I used another BS and FA'd them again in the same direction, or even used a flash jump to get back. FA was enough on the sides. I got TS, and made the mistake of using the SP reset event thing to take points out of BS into TS. Terrible mistake, without MI, tornado spin left monsters behind sometimes. Of course, I didn't know MI helped at the time, so I maxed BS again.

Either way, BS worked pretty well. TS is great for big maps, but at the time it just didn't work for me.[/quote]

Then again, if you had TS maxed, you could just tap another button and Rush away quickly and powerfully instead of taking the time and trouble to cut past them again (AFTER the cooldown, where you most likely got hit) and continue to FA.

I'm not saying that max TS is all supreme and mighty, i'm just saying that it's just a lot more useful than max Flash Jump. XD

Reply November 26, 2010

[quote=dragonice1]FABS worked where I trained (red/black kents, they dropped the kataras and daggers that I needed. Woo for a potential dragon tail with 84 attack and 2 line potential +4 attack and +8 attack?)

Tornado spin wouldn't have worked at black/reds, and US was too much of a potburn for me at the time. I got to 80 and got TS pretty soon, so it ended up all fine.[/quote]

Tornado Spin is key to training at R/B kents, along with BS. You need to gather mobs first; you can't just kill 2 or 3 and repeat. You need to kill as many as possible, and that's where TS comes in handy. At the bottom, you just go along the entire map and gather as many mobs as possible, then kill them off. In the middle, TS is used to cover that extra space, to maximize mob-gathering, and also presses mobs together to deal maximum damage with the Upper Stab that you throw in between.

Trust me. I've trained there for 10 levels using Tornado Spin; i know what im talking about. XD

Reply November 24, 2010

[quote=dragonice1]From what I went through, FJ made things much easier 55~70. I had enough SP leftover to get like 17~18 points in FA, and max BS, plus one in upper stab.

FABS worked really well at kents, and flash jump sped it up. I maxed US, which wasn't used for a while, then went straight for tornado then mirror image.

Why would you max owl spirit before flash jump? It doesn't help you train as fast as flash jump. Flash bang doesn't help much in training, unless you are at himes with a priest. Advanced darksight? This is pretty much useless until chains of hell.[/quote]

-And if you didn't add the SP into Flash Jump, imagine how many SP you would already have had in Tornado Spin and Upper Stab. Flash Jump might help a bit from 55-70, but saving SP will be a lot more worth it after you hit 70.

-FaBs is a great combo for Kents. And once you max Tornado Spin (all the more reason not to max FJ right away), it will be... amazing. FaBs alone isn't that great, but if you have level 20 TS in there, then you can use FaBs on the top platforms, FaTsUsBs combo on the middle platforms, and, at the bottom, FaTs until you get to the other side and either FaTs (pot-saving) or Us spam (high pot-burn but more damage) to finish the mobs off.

-Just a for-fun thing. Since DBs are already so mobile, some might prefer Owl Spirit before Flash Jump. It all goes down to your preferences.

-Flash Bang is pretty fun to use IMO, even at level 1, and it saves LOTS of pots, especially if you're using US to kill off mobs instead of FaTs.

-Advanced Darksight sucks right now, but again, huge potsaver after the Big Bang (when you can pot in it, so you won't die from magic). And even after the Reconstruction, it will add a critical that stacks on top of other criticals. Even now, though, it's pretty useful if you use FaBs combo. You sneak in without taking touch damage, and you wear the skill off so you can pot while maintaining invincibility so you don't die.

Flash Jump isn't really great. Attacking skills should be maxed (except maybe Owl Spirit and Flash Bang, if you don't find them useful) before you get that extra bit of mobility.

Reply November 23, 2010

fkkk i didnt know i needed to max it what do i dooooooooo

Reply November 22, 2010

was i supposed to max ss and max bs?

Reply November 22, 2010

so i just lvld and put 1 on fj and and 2 on tornado spin should i max ts now or later cuz it seems kinda of hard to use with my key board layout and it takes a lot of mp if i max it it will need less mp to use right? and one more thing what exactly should i max with the saved points after tornado spin
upper stab or
mirror image

Reply November 22, 2010

DO NOT MAX FJ. There are so many other skills that you can use first, like Tornado Spin. Even saving the SP would be better than maxing it. The "get it to 9" or "max right away" builds are terrible; there is no point in getting it past 1 except for that tiny extra distance that you probably won't need much.
Max TS right away, or save up SP for other skills (your choice).

Your priorities should be:
1. Get 1 FJ, and save SP for max FA
2. Save SP for max BS
2. (tied with above, depending on your preference) max TS right away
2. (tied with above, depending on your training style) Save SP for max Upper Stab
3. Save SP for MI
4. Save SP for Owl Spirit, ADS, and Flash Bang
5. When you're done maxing all of the above, THEN max Flash Jump.

Reply November 21, 2010

[quote=FluffyTheBawss]9 FJ, 1 TS. Save

At 70, max FA, 10 BS, 17 MI.

Then max US, TS, FJ.[/quote]

I think you mean 7 MI...

Reply November 21, 2010

[quote=smilyface400]I heard that you should max mi first but im not sure if thats a good skill and for everything else not sure haha idk

edit: btw why put 10 on bs i didnt max ss anyway was i supposed to O_O? or can you use bs without ss i really dont think so though[/quote]

must max ss must max bs

Reply November 21, 2010

I heard that you should max mi first but im not sure if thats a good skill and for everything else not sure haha idk

edit: btw why put 10 on bs i didnt max ss anyway was i supposed to O_O? or can you use bs without ss i really dont think so though

Reply November 21, 2010 - edited