

Plusle4eva #General Talk


Cygnus Knights Faq Reference Made this thread with the sole observation that nearly half of the Cygnus Knight section is 'WHAT CLASS SHOULD I MAKE?", with the threadmakers obviously too lazy to check the other dozen threads on the same page, or the individual guides to the left, and subsequently ignoring the fact that 'What Class should I play' threads are not exactly mod-friendly(there IS a warning, mind you) and can result in suspensions. I am aware of the previous thread that was made, but that was back in 2009. [url=]Link for those curious[/url]. So the following is a compilation of the benefits and limitations(pros and cons) of the Cygnus Kn


*UNOFFICIAL* Bera-killed-PB thread With the recent defeats of PB in Bera, there has been statements and rumours about whether the runs were legit. Just to keep many aware; Bera has horrible coordination skills(otherwise PB could have been killed easily, FYI I know we have the firepower), yet Bera has taken PB down THREE TIMES IN A WEEK.(thanks to many of the commenters on the first page, I've corrected my oh-so-tragicly fail statement :D) Many of the higher levels in bossing guilds did not hear of such a run until it was accomplished, therefore either the runners were secret ninjas or they were hackers. Discuss, not flame each other. Flaming me is totally cool :) Just don't start a fight with one another o.O BTW: PB stands for Pink Bean, a