

Bossing on a mage

So recently ive been trying to solo some bosses like Czak and HT, but i cannot survive seduce to save my life. Always 1/1, im about to pot then seduce. For you mages out there, is there any tips or things you guys do to survive that?

Thanks in advance.

September 12, 2012

1 Comment • Newest first

GoXDS HT, Hero's Will then save it for when you see 1/1 notification and only use it when you might get hit. otherwise let Seduce wear off. gl after that
if you do enough dmg fast enough, czak can follow the same logic.
if you can get a ton of Cleansing Potions, they're easyyyy
lastly, you can cheat the system by taking advantage of Alt Enter lag

I've been able to solo HT once so far but haven't attempted czak

Reply September 12, 2012