

Sweet water Glasses or Raccoon mask

Should I get a sweet water glasses with % stats or use my current 10% luk 30 wep att raccoon mask?
What should I favor more wep att or %stats?

July 28, 2015

14 Comments • Newest first



It depends on your total stats of dex vs attack. If you already have the sw tattoo, I would recommend using it even if the raccoon mask amounts to being slightly better. Instead, maybe opt to switch a tradeable equipment that has been primed for an attack alternative. To determine whether a 48% dex mask would be compatible to a 38 attack stats dex mask (since there are 38 attack white rac masks on the market as well) consider the following

1. Look at your buffed total main stats without any mask equipped.
2. Look at your total attack from all passive sources and buffs/ equips/ links
3. Total your % stats and % attack (keep maple warrior separate as it is calculated slightly differently; ignore temporary % att boosts like echo, ect).
4. Plug in stats that each mask would add and estimate the change in range

Simplified EXAGGERATED example:
Say you are lv 200. You have 1000 stats added to your main stat (it would be a bit higher at 200 but to keep this simple). You have 30k stats buffed total. You have 3,000 attack when you calculate all sources of attack. You have 600% stats and 100% attack. You're choices for masks would consist of as follows:

A. 48% stat primed mask (+70 stats from primes hammered + 5 base stats + 40 from 15 enhances) = 48% stats 115 stats

B. 21% 38 att mask (10 stats from enhances) +2 stats per ten levels + 1 stats per ten levels (assuming you cubed bpot for multiple lines of +x stats per level) with a 4% stat neb = 25%, 38 att, 70 stats

30,000 / 6.00 = ~5,000 stats added from equips/ ap

Option A: 600% + 48% = 648% ; 5,000 + 115 stats = 5,115 stats * 6.48 = 33,145 stats

Option B: 600% + 25% = 625%; 5,000 + 70 stats = 5,070 * 6.25 = 31,688 stats + 38 attack

Formula plug (ignoring the multiplier and secondary stats) (*assuming % att is multiplied in)

A. (33,145 *4) * 3000/100 = 3,977,400

B. (31,688 * 4) * 3076/100 = 3,898,892

The primed sw mask in the example above would be the better option. If attack was 2,000 with the same stats

A. (33,145 *4) * 2000/100 = 2,651,600

B. (31,688*4) * 2072/100 = 2,626,301

The primed mask will still be better though the 38 attack mask would be almost on par with it and not that far off.

*Please note that these are all ROUGH estimates and rates of each will be subject to change. If the user has more stats being added from primes/ equips/ their level, the ratio of stats added will be more saturated. In other words, if the user only had 500% stats and 6,000 was being added from equips/ levels/ misc sources, the impact of primed stats would be lesser.

**To get the most accurate answer for your particular needs, you may opt to see how much stats your are gaining from equips/ passives/ buffs WITHOUT factoring in % stats to see the level of saturation.

*** Also note, post 200, as you gain more stats, % stats as well as attack benefit your range more so than primes do at 200 given more base stats are added

Reply July 29, 2015 - edited

@xarkimothx: I guess I'll explain by showing you a comparison. And I'm not saying it will be the best range wise among them. I'm simply saying it will be the best overall due to other factors such as the ability to trade it or transfer it to another character.

Raccoon Mask: 30 Attack, perfect 3line potential is 21%(two lines is 15%), best possible B-pot line at legendary is +2/1 per 10 character levels. Unlimited trade-ability without restriction.

Sweet Water: 7 Slot w/hammer, comes with 5 stat clean. Perfect 3 line potential is 33%(two line is 23%), Finished B-pot is a mixture of things (6-8%Luk, +2/1 per 10, +att, etc) Cannot be traded every again after equipped.

(new) Black-gate mask: 4 Slots w/hammer. Comes with 4 stat and 4 attack clean. Perfect 3line potential is 30%(two line is 21%). B-pot is a mixture of possible outcomes as well (5-7%luk, +2/1 per 10, +att, etc). Can be traded with a PSoK.

In other words... the black-gate mask doesn't out do the SW but it can come very close to being equal. Adding in the fact that it is trade-able with a PSoK and it becomes the "smarter" choice in my opinion. A 30 attack raccoon mask can be just fine, I use a very OP one I guess you could say. Instead of using a SW. But I might change that to a black-gate mask sometime in the future. The reason I still use a raccoon mask even now was due to the fact I valued trade-ability over higher stats.

EDIT: Ignore everything I said. Due to the nature of the name of the blackgate "Mask" it leads you to believe it is a eye, but it is infact a face accessory. How that works, I have no idea. So the only two remaining still are the raccoon and SW.

Reply July 28, 2015 - edited


Would you do 30 atk 19% stat or primed sw 48%? if u do have 15 star tyrants.

Reply July 28, 2015 - edited


Not at all . If anything you ideally want a balance of high stats, high attack, high % stats, and high % att. Depending on your equip setup/ scrolling/ enhances/ pots/ bonus pots/ ect, you want to go for the stats that you do not already have a lot of compared to everything else. In other words, if you have everything primed, you're going to ideally want more sources of attack and less sources of stats added as you more than likely are at a certain threshold where upping your attack may lead to a larger range increase rather than throwing on even more stats.

Conversely, if you have a ton of high attack equips, primed equips and high % stat equips may offer more damage given your attack threshold is already high.

It all depends on your current setup which will always differ from player to player. Here's a HIGHLY EXAGGERATED example that shows why you may opt for a balance:

Player 1: has 10,000 stats and 3,000 attack
Player 2: has 20,000 stats and 2,000 attack
Player 3: has 30,000 stats and 1,000 attack

formula (ignoring secondary stats and multiplier):

1. (10,000 *4) * 3,000/100 = 1.2mil
2. (20,000 *4) * 2,000/100 = 1.6mil
3. (30,000 *4) * 1,000/ 100 = 1.2mil

As you can see from the EXAGGERATED example above, player one does not have that much % stat equips but compensates with high attack equips. On the other hand, player 3 has high stat equips but would benefit more if some of those equips were switched with attack equips. Player 2 has the most balanced equips in that the player has both high stats and reasonable attack and in turn has a higher range than the other two players.

Basically, you don't want too much attack or too much stats given that you are undercutting either attack or stats to do so. In the end, players with excessive stat equips will more or less be on par with players that have excessive attack. To be at an optimal point, its best to balance between both stats and attack as much as possible to prevent saturation of either or.[/quote]

Ohhh I get it now Thanks

Reply July 28, 2015 - edited


Not at all . If anything you ideally want a balance of high stats, high attack, high % stats, and high % att. Depending on your equip setup/ scrolling/ enhances/ pots/ bonus pots/ ect, you want to go for the stats that you do not already have a lot of compared to everything else. In other words, if you have everything primed, you're going to ideally want more sources of attack and less sources of stats added as you more than likely are at a certain threshold where upping your attack may lead to a larger range increase rather than throwing on even more stats.

Conversely, if you have a ton of high attack equips, primed equips and high % stat equips may offer more damage given your attack threshold is already high.

It all depends on your current setup which will always differ from player to player. Here's a HIGHLY EXAGGERATED example that shows why you may opt for a balance:

Player 1: has 10,000 stats and 3,000 attack
Player 2: has 20,000 stats and 2,000 attack
Player 3: has 30,000 stats and 1,000 attack

formula (ignoring secondary stats and multiplier):

1. (10,000 *4) * 3,000/100 = 1.2mil
2. (20,000 *4) * 2,000/100 = 1.6mil
3. (30,000 *4) * 1,000/ 100 = 1.2mil

As you can see from the EXAGGERATED example above, player one does not have that much % stat equips but compensates with high attack equips. On the other hand, player 3 has high stat equips but would benefit more if some of those equips were switched with attack equips. Player 2 has the most balanced equips in that the player has both high stats and reasonable attack and in turn has a higher range than the other two players.

Basically, you don't want too much attack or too much stats given that you are undercutting either attack or stats to do so. In the end, players with excessive stat equips will more or less be on par with players that have excessive attack. To be at an optimal point, its best to balance between both stats and attack as much as possible to prevent saturation of either or.

Reply July 28, 2015 - edited

[quote=xarkimothx]Sorry if I sound dumb, I actually stopped playing for a while so I'm kinda new to this thing. I'm confused on how attack would be better than high main stats if you have a high %stat and high main stats? Wouldn't having even more mains stat benefit your range more than attack since you already have a high amount of %stat to boost your main stat? And if attack gives you more range than your main stat then wouldn't getting more att be better than getting more main stat? Sorry for all these questions [/quote]

Okay, to make this as simple as possible without going into detail by trying to explain the math:
Basically, in the damage formula both attack and main stat are independent sources that contribute to your range. To maximize your damage, you need both.

Not just %stat too, +stat as well. It's the reason why tyrants and starforce is so good. Having a high %stat doesn't help if you have no stat to work off that percent in the first place, and vice-versa.

Reply July 28, 2015 - edited

[quote=betaboi101]I switched out my primed sw mask for an attack white rac mask which believe it or not, it added quite a bit more damage. I'd keep it as is and legendary it for 15-21% and maybe try to get a line or two of bonus pot of +1 or +2 luk per every 10 lvs since you'll end up adding nearly as much stats that would have otherwise been added with primes. Of course you can always attempt to make a tier three/ four attack mask with 30+ attack but that will be pretty wasteful nx/ cost wise </3

Once you have insanely high stat %'s and you have a saturated source of high main stat boosting equips with it, attack will eventually add a nice amount more than stats would. Never forget that flatish 5 stats to 1 attack ratio from back in the day. Though by no means its the case now a days with the massive change of equipment, typically a player will have a much greater surplus of stats to attack and after a certain point, you want high attack to offset that surplus.[/quote]
Sorry if I sound dumb, I actually stopped playing for a while so I'm kinda new to this thing. I'm confused on how attack would be better than high main stats if you have a high %stat and high main stats? Wouldn't having even more mains stat benefit your range more than attack since you already have a high amount of %stat to boost your main stat? And if attack gives you more range than your main stat then wouldn't getting more att be better than getting more main stat? Sorry for all these questions

Reply July 28, 2015 - edited

I switched out my primed sw mask for an attack white rac mask which believe it or not, it added quite a bit more damage. I'd keep it as is and legendary it for 15-21% and maybe try to get a line or two of bonus pot of +1 or +2 luk per every 10 lvs since you'll end up adding nearly as much stats that would have otherwise been added with primes. Of course you can always attempt to make a tier three/ four attack mask with 30+ attack but that will be pretty wasteful nx/ cost wise </3

Once you have insanely high stat %'s and you have a saturated source of high main stat boosting equips with it, attack will eventually add a nice amount more than stats would. Never forget that flatish 5 stats to 1 attack ratio from back in the day. Though by no means its the case now a days with the massive change of equipment, typically a player will have a much greater surplus of stats to attack and after a certain point, you want high attack to offset that surplus.

Reply July 28, 2015 - edited

[quote=klytta]Neither, get a lv120 tradeable with PSoK blackgate mask and cube that. Top tier and can be resold + it's a common gear.[/quote]
Wouldn't sweet water be better considering you can get a higher % stat on it?

Reply July 28, 2015 - edited

I will keep the mask and upgrade to SW after everything is done. I am in a similar situation just that my mask has lower atk and lower % than yours

Reply July 28, 2015 - edited

Neither, get a lv120 tradeable with PSoK blackgate mask and cube that. Top tier and can be resold + it's a common gear.

Edit: Nvm, blackgate mask is face apparently. L0L nex'n

Reply July 28, 2015 - edited

I think he means you have a large amount of base luk and a large amount of %luk or else go with the w.a

Reply July 28, 2015 - edited

[quote=ghsninja]%stats but only if ur stat is really high, i.e ur Luk stat isnt like 10 in that case att would be better, a SW equip could have like 3% more than ur mask on epic tier, even more if you can get a unique/Legendary pot[/quote]
I mean I have like over 70%luk so...

Reply July 28, 2015 - edited

%stats but only if ur stat is really high, i.e ur Luk stat isnt like 10 in that case att would be better, a SW equip could have like 3% more than ur mask on epic tier, even more if you can get a unique/Legendary pot

Reply July 28, 2015 - edited