

PsikoXD #Updates Talk

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Playing MapleStory on a network you dont manage (School etc) This thread is going to be a guide for you about how to play maplestory while you shouldn't be ! (And isn't that just great?) So how often have you been all bummed out because you have school and not be able to check your store every now and then ? Or maybe just grind thouse last 10% before you reach a certian level. Well maplers, luckily for us, there's something called tunneling out there :) First let's talk requirments and possibilities. There's 2 ways of doing this, a free way which requires some work, and a way where you pay a little money to get a certian connection. I'll explain both to you, so no worries here. :) [b]1st way : The free way ! (Using BitVise tunnelier)[/b] Li