

Puriie #Quests Talk

General Quests

GPQ Glitched inside too? So I've heard that GPQ stone with all the top guilds is glitched, that GPQ points are glitched too but is it also glitched inside? I know 100% we're not getting guild points because we tried 2 runs = no points. However in the 2nd last stage where you go into those sewage portal things we kept dcing in the 1st portal. I went in first and used Dark Genesis, the monsters died but then I got DC'd due to the 'You have been disconnected by the GM Police for hacking' reason. My friend who came in after me had lagged upon entry and dc'd. On the 2nd run I didn't go in coz we thought Dark Gen. lagged my friend out. But again he dc'd upon entry :S Anybody else getting this?