PurpleMatter #Chat Talk

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Nervous for new job After consideration for a couple of months, I think being at the age where i'm about to drive, I should start looking for jobs. So my older sister suggested the pizza parlor she used to work at. I guess I could get some good repetition because her boss said she was a great worker and got along with everyone even though she is the quietest in my family. So the other day I went their to pick up an application, and even when picking up an application, I was very nervous because this was like a first impression to them. So I have my application and everything. Off to go drop it off later at the pizza parlor, but everytime I look at the application, I think "Are they gonna accept me? Will they even call back? If I get th

General Chat

Bill S.978 will shut down all Gaming video and streaming There goes 95% of YouTube. A bill called S.978 is going through congress right now. A bill that makes any copyrighted entertainment videos illegal. You get 10 strikes (10 videos), and if you go past 10 strikes, you basically get a huge fine, OR sent to jail for up to 5 years. Causing so many harmless YouTubers with so much legal trouble. Even if someone parodies it (ex: you singing a song, changing the lyrics of a song), it is still illegal. Meaning that this bill is going to suck all the creativity out of the internet. R.I.P. Internet.

General Chat

Team Fortress 2 is now free With the release of the "Meet the Medic" trailer, at the end, Valve released news saying that TF2 is now a free to play game. Even though the trailer has only be out for what, 10 minutes, the Steam forum is acting crazy over this on how this will effect the game. Sure it will mean more players meaning a bigger community with no dead servers, but what about us people who spent money on the game before it became free? Anyways, discuss away~

General Chat

Job interview tomorrow, tips? So tomorrow i'm going to head for my interview for my first job at a pizza parlor. Kind of freaked out right now considering 3 other people are applying tomorrow as well. I did ask my older sister though what are the keys things to an interview and all she said was to dress nice and have a good posture. :U I do agree those are important factors when having an interview, but is there anything else that I should do to make myself more serious for my job? Thanks basilers~