

PwntByMe #Paladin Talk

General Paladin

Paladin Post Red 2h Benefits I've tried researching a bit on post-red paladins and the benefits of going 2h + rosario but I've been unable to find too much information pertaining to why exactly 2h is suddenly better than 1h + shield (people claim the damage multiplier goes even higher than it is currently but I'd like to see some actual numbers or something along those lines). Basically, I'm asking at what point does a 2h + rosario surpass a 1h + shield or vice-versa. Currently I have a 178 attack 3% str 15% pdr VL sword and a 27 attack 4% str maple shield but I'm wondering if perfecting a terminus 2h mace would be more beneficial in terms of damage (factoring attack speed and some other math related factors that affect 1h and 2h comparsion