

Qoltera #General Talk


13% Pdr or 2 percent attack? Hey I'm at a dilemma at the moment, I just got my leafre set for the crusader codex and I had the dead mine one previously. I tried the leafre set on and it added 13% pdr(56-69) but lowered my range by 2k. I was wondering which would be better? I'm a kaiser by the way, and basically should I take +13% pdr or 2% attack(2k range). I tested and it seems the dead mine one hits more sprayed numbers some going higher some dipping lower while my +13%pdr made my damage more stable. So which should I take?


Can a potion be used over a 1/1 or instant kill? I was just wondering, if a boss were to 1/1 you, and you use a power elixir or some sort of % potion, could you prevent going down to 1/1? Or with an instant kill, if you used the potion fast enough, could you prevent it? Because I notice you can use a potion before all the damage inflicted is taken out of HP. Example, I'm at zakum, it 1/1s me, but before my hp/mp go down to 1, I use a power elixir and my hp is full health. Could this sort of method be used to prevent death? Like using a potion right as the monster hits you and your hp starts to approach 0? Thanks! :)


Advice on what is happening Hey guys, I noticed that Chaos server is now dying, and I want some advice. Since this is a KoC, its gonna UA soon, so should I just stay in the dying server and UA and just pretty much play alone, or should I move to a new more crowded server and start fresh? I just wanted to UA and see intrepid slash :~( but theres gona be like 1 person to witness it now...whats your opinion on this? Stay in Chaos and UA and ignore the emptiness, move to another server?(if so state which one, and ideas for class) Thanks for your honest opinion :)


Ice Chest Summer Goggle Event Help Hey guys, about how many goggles would I need to fuse to get good %stat? What are the odds of succeeding enough chaos scrolls on a summer goggle to get a decent amount of attack? To all you people who have tried it, is it hard to get 4+%stat and 3+ attack? I want to know if I should try it, since I know I have horrible luck with fusing and chaosing. I'm not willing to replace my glasses with ugly goggles unless the goggles have decent stats. Thanks in advance!


The Nx for no entire reason Thread Hi everyone, recently, I went on my email and found that I got 5000 nx cash for no reason, so I redeemed it. Then I went on Basil(LOL who does that nowadays :3) and found people saying they got 50k or 100k nx....so post which character you got nx on and what server( main, mule, side char etc) and how much...also when soo like this: Main, Chaos 5k at around 10 PM pacific ish thanks guys...I just want to know what is going on....can anyone tell me why some people are getting like 100k? any answers are appreciated~


To all people who rant on Nexons every patch Just out of curiosity, no offense meant. Whenever Nexon comes out with new patches translated from kMS, they either change the name or keep it the same. What bothers me here is that I always see people ranting on "oh how bad the name is" if Nexon makes it's own name for the patch. This is the problem. If Nexon were to just keep the kMS name the same people say "oh gMS soo original, it copied the kMS name, psh gMS not smart enough to make it's own name". Well. That means Nexon can't name their patches without being raged on either way. So, if Nexon's patch names are so bad, why don't YOU guys come up with a better one? ;) Ahh, finally got that off my chest. No offense meant aga


Which class? Hey guys I'm at odds for which class I want to play. I find that I like them all pretty equally so I wanted to know which ones you guys thought I should play. The only criteria is that it must be decently mobile and hit decent damage. Here are my options and thoughts: Cannoneer: I like it cuz high damage and buckshot Demon Slayer: I like the play style a LOT Mercedes: I like how mobile Ishtar is and I like comboing skills. Xenon: I like beam dance and it hits pretty high with snipe Demon Avenger: It hits really high with an interesting mechanic. Alright guys which one do YOU think I should play ;) btw I have all of these fellas at 120+


To continue Aran or Phantom? At the moment, I'm unsure whether I should continue my Aran or Phantom. I like them both. So can anyone give me the pros and cons of each? My Aran is only 37 and my Phantom is 105, but i'm losing motivation for my Phantom. I still consider it is because it has HS and some random somewhat decent event equips. Plus, at 4th job it gets interesting because of a new skill set and the ability to copy other 4th job explorer skills. The Aran seems fun and I can gear it up a bit since my main is a hero but... that button mashing...

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