

Qoltera #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

P/c on various things in chaos server gms Hi guys, I have lots of things I dont want that I want to sell....and I'm in Chaos in GMS soo if anyone could give me a price check on these things: 105 attack devils sunrise with 5 attack pot 3 slots = 110 attack 3 slots 5 gfas Shoes for speed 60% scroll litas hero gloves 7 slots +70 acc pot(don't ask </3) Rapid fire 30 Potential scroll EE scroll Cape for strength 60%Scroll 2% int 2% luk red sneakers 3% str 3% dex berserker Hwabi (1) Thanks in advance! I know it's all crud but I need money...if anyone wants a friend add me : Qonspire

General Warrior

Damage range difference Well, I was looking through youtube videos and came across a level 174 ds with like a 22-26k unbuffed range. His equips.....were only decent. I compared them to mine and found that I had the same amount of attack AND more %str than him, yet his range outdid mine by a good 6k. Can anyone tell me why? I'm not just trying to compare classes, I just wanted to know why another fellow warrior with about 10% less str and the same amount of attack with a 1H mace (which should also have a lower range multiplier IIRC) can outstrip my range like crazy. He's only like 10 levels higher than me.....Thanks in advance!

General Warrior

How to Upgradether Further How would I get higher than 6%str equips? I can't seem to find any that aren't extremely overpriced. Unless you count 600m for 6%str top/bottom as cheap, which is weird in comparison to the 40m 3%str top/bottom. Also, how about capes and belts? How would I get 4-6% capes and 6+%belts? Would I just make and/or fuse? None in fm again. How about earrings and shoes? I tried fusing but no luck. How hard is it to get 6+%str shoes and earrings? Is it just patience and time? I know these questions are always asked, but I never see them clearly answered. The main base question is, how to get 6+%str equips without buying them in the fm? Thanks in advance! :D