QuantumLegend #Bowmaster Talk

General Bowmaster

Bowmasters Hard Gollux I've been into bossing for the while, and have been looking into (and qqing about as you've seen) hard gollux. With my marksman I have the damage to down him and [i]can[/i] jump in and out between his 2 breaths to take his jaw, but it's just so easy to mess up and die. And I haven't a plan for the eyes at all with the mobs at the bottom. I'm curious what experience bowmasters have had with gollux. Mob control is of course better with arrow platter. (Is that still glitched by the way? I wasn't sure about exact details about what was wrong). I haven't seen anything really video-wise, just a phantom using arrow platter and blaster with far more damage than is necessary. So about how much range/boss would be desirable to