
Quick Question About Alchemy Fusing

If I fuse 2 epic items, will the result of the hidden potential be epic?

February 27, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first



Reply February 27, 2012

I want it to be so, but it doesn't. The potentials of the two items you're fusing has no effect on its outcome. Fusing two items of similar potentials is more of a superstition, kind of like killing Bob the Snail helps your scrolling chances or a certain spot in FM gives you better cubing and scrolling.

Reply February 27, 2012

Since I was about to make a new thread and her question was already answred. Do the two potentials you're fusing have any effect on the new potential? I don't think so but I just want to make sure.

Reply February 27, 2012

It resets completely. Think of it as a miracle cube that can 1) take away your potential 2) downgrade it 3) change it and 4) upgrade it.
I've gotten a unique by fusing two rares and I've lost my epic potential when I fused two epics. So it's random but most often than not, you'll get a pot of the same level.

Reply February 27, 2012