Randomness411 #Chat Talk

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How dumb is this story so far? So I am trying to physically hurt people with this incoherent mess, advice on how to make it more pretentious or less coherent are welcome. South Dakota. A warm summer morning. A man, Larry, sits comfortably on his rocking chair. With his trusty shotgun Lucile in hand, he carefully examines his surroundings. In the distance, the sun peaks its head over the surrounding mountain-scape. The birds, adding their chorus to the wind, in which the leaves dance. With every blow of wind, the grass shudders relieving it of its dew only for the ants and other insects to carry it off. The year is 1995, July 18th, 7:04 AM, Mountain Time. The temperature is a cool but nice 67 degrees. The rain had recently been absorbed into

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Question regarding religous beliefs extremists only I've been seeing a lot of people on here who seem very angry that people don't share there opinions, why is that? Lets say there's an atheist and someone says they believe in god; how does that effect the atheist in every day life? Vice versa for any other religion. Why do Christians try to convert people after they have told you "no"? Does them burning in hell for all eternity effect you? I think not. Why must atheists continue to blast down anyone who believes in God or anyone who goes to church; does them being ignorant to your beliefs effect you? From what I can gather the whole sense of the extremist view is essentially this: Extremist:"Hey! You can't eat that donut!&qu

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Did you know? That human civilization survived longer without government than it has with it? Government is a way to restrict peoples lives to what "society" wants, although "society" is usually headed by one person or a group of individuals. Government is a fools way to try to contain chaos; however without government there would be no such thing as chaos. Because without law and order (which is imposed by the government) everything would be chaotic, and therefore with everything being chaotic; chaos would not exist because it is the norm. The same way we do not consider killing chickens for food as a bad thing because society accepts it. Discuss. EDIT: Since everyone keeps commenting about the same thing I'll spell it

General Chat

Did you know? Truth is relative to society? If you are in a room that contains 10 people (you are one of the 10) and anything you say the other 9 people disagree with truth would be what the 9 people say. If you say 2+2=4 they would say 2+2=3 and 2+2 would then equal 3 as society rules it so. Truth is just like anything else, it can be warped, twisted, and corrupted down to its very essence. Discuss. EDIT: An fact is an opinion the majority agree upon. Much better idea of what I'm trying to say^ EDIT#2: (adressed to many people) Lets say that in the year 2305 we find a way to change the gravitational pull to where it repels something. The LAW of gravity (which is considered a true fact until dis proven, just like any other scientific laws)