

Ravath #Video Talk


This was a friendly KS war. So just before I made this video, I met XenoEXE while he was killing a bigfoot. I sat and watched for a minute or so.. and then some paladin by the name of Douching can in and ks'ed him (correctly fitting the name, I suppose). After that fiasco, we promptly found another one. A little bit later, some drk by the name of Sweeeeet came in and tried KSing. Then MattsBigDK popped in.. and we all just agreed to turn it into a KS war. I recorded it and tried to make something fun with it, and this came out. Yeah, KS'ing is pretty lame. Don't do drugs kids.


UglyFist (Andrew) organized a this event on basilmarket, just as little celebratory event to say good bye to Bigfoot and the bosses that are being majorly nerfed after the Big Bang update. We had no intentions of actually fighting a Bigfoot, or even seeing one, but, almost too perfectly, one spawned on everyone the second he finished his speech. I, honestly, think this is too good to be true, and could very well be the work of a GM (however existent or non-existent they may be). Anyways, it made a great addition to the video! And sorry guys for the massive wait, I've been very busy!