

Rawky #Kaiser Talk

General Kaiser

Kaiser Achievement Thread For some reason I've been in every other class sub section there seems to be an achievement thread but for some reason I've yet to come across one for fellow kaisers where they can share their achievements goals and insight to other peers. I know this class is pretty dead but damn it we deserve one of these threads! I'll start off by saying today was the first day I got a hold of a pair of hero gloves from dojo! Granted that I got very lucky and not many people were online tonight but it's a big accomplishment for me nonethelesss!

General Kaiser

Choosing crit rate over Att % Hi there, I recently recube my emblem's normal potential. It use to be 21% Att and 6% all stats. I ended choosing this over the former: question is, was it a smart move? I manage to get my crit rate up to 97%, which goes well with my tyrant gloves pot, which gives me an extra 15% max crit. But I haven't actually done the math so I'm still not sure whether or not it was a win or a loss. :/ I have 87% att with my new emblem btw. And here's the weapon and secondary's potential:,3bIFZ6N