

RedKirby12 #Art Talk

General Art

I will draw for you Just as the title says, I'll draw for you~ I will try to draw one request every day, and I'll post it up on an image hosting website and link it on this thread. Or if you want, I can post it on Basil :) I'll do the drawing traditionally or digitally, you pick. (I prefer traditional) You can ask me to draw your avatar, actual face (has to be traditional), or some other thingymabob such as food, cats, or something abstract. One request per person please! Drawings I've done so far: -8/3/12 I got some new Prismacolor pencils! Gonna try to add some color in my drawings now :D

General Art

Ill draw you during the unscheduled server mainteance Herro thur! I got disconnected by the server maintenance so I am very bored :~( I'll draw you to pass the time and as practice. I'll try to draw everyone who posts but I'm horrible at fast sketches. So just comment below and I'll draw you :D EDITS Click the little chain-looking thingamabob for the pictarz. [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=]and [/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] I noticed