

Redadin #Paladin Talk

General Paladin

Whos really excited for the 50% att ring? I waited awhile to see if someone else would make a thread but that ring that comes along with the SEED content is quite amazing in that it works in perfect unison with sacrosanctity. Assuming these rings aren't impossible to get at the best level I would almost say it's as if we just got a bit of a buff to our class! If you aren't aware of what I am talking about there is a ring that comes six months from now that grants you [b]50% attack[/b] for [b]30 seconds[/b] but it will only work so long as you [b]do not get hit[/b]. Well... knowing it's time of 30 seconds for the buff, and it's cool-down of 300 seconds to use again I was immediately reminded of sacro... Long story short, when we go invincibl

General Paladin

How much att on a shield is better than going 2h? I've always wondered this even though I don't play anymore. Assuming we take a 1h BW and a 2h BW both average stats and scrolled the same with the same potential. Would a fifty attack shield suffice? Can anyone teach me the math equation needed to find out or do said math for me? I'm not worried about speed difference factored in, I just want to know what attack on a shield would you require to get more range using 1h than using a 2h with it's higher multiplier. inb4 No, but really if you post in my thread I just want to take this chance to say I honestly still have a major crush on you.

General Paladin

Did we just get more %hp attack ignore? In the newest patch (check max's blog) Divine Shield is giving 25% damage reduction when the shield is up... Being that the shield guards against all normal attacks making damage reduction completely pointless outside of attacks that ignore it I am going to take a shot in the dark and guess we just got a whole 25% more reduction on %hp attacks. And that's on top of the 20% we have from shield mastery giving us a total of 45% reduction on %hp attacks? Unless it's multiplicative of course. (or did I read it wrong and it was 20% from DS originally not SM and this is just a 5% buff... ugh I'm tired just got off work a bit ago I should be sleeping) Either way... I hope I'm not just being hopeful and we for