

Repentant #Hayato Talk

General Hayato

Hayato Tips Compilation Thread Most recent updates: [i](10/02/2015, 2:21 BT)[/i]: added [url=]screenshot[/url] from [i](10/01/2015, 17:52 BT)[/i]: () - Idk how well known this is but defense actually boost our damage. [Shimada Heart - 0.5% increase in damage for every 100 DEF] [i](09/17/2015, 10:58 BT)[/i]: () - Jumping down a platform while using Tornado Blade will allow you to descend and finish off weakened monsters at the same time. This is faster than waiting for the mobs to die before jumping down. NOTE: Tornado Blade can't normally be used in air, so the skill and the jump key need to be pressed simultaneously for this trick to work. I check on this frequently, so if you have something you want to contri

General Hayato

Best maximum damage skills for training? This is something I'm not too sure on myself, so I'm asking this question for research purposes. I'm hoping to take down notes for the compilation thread. Suppose hypothetically you're fighting more than 6 mobs you can't kill in one hit - it takes 7 full cycles of Sanrenzan to kill them. At that point they could theoretically live long enough to experience the full extent of any combo you throw at them. But which skills are you supposed to use for mobs that strong? There are a few different approaches that I've seen mentioned before. A few that come to mind include: - spamming Sanrenzan - spamming both Falcon Dive and Sanrenzan, alternating between them - spamming cooldown cutter Hitokiri Strike - so

General Hayato

5th job Hayato For those who don't know already, 5th job is coming to KMS later this year. Obviously Hayato isn't going to get one for a long time (or possibly never), but I'd like to ask for your thoughts anyway: - What improvements are you hoping for? - Will you continue maining a Hayato even without 5th job? ---- I personally love the class as it is, so it's hard to think of anything more that I'd want. Maybe a skill that allows us to dive downwards, so that we can move in all 4 directions and bring our movement toolkit to completeness. I'm also hoping they do something about Willow Dodge and its usefulness in bossing, but seeing as it's a new job advancement I don't think they're going to touch on that. I'm going to check out Thunder Br

General Hayato

Kanna and Hayato Availability Temporarily Suspended Aug 19 [url=]It's happening![/url] [i]"In order to prepare for an update to the Kanna and Hayato jobs that will be taking place later this year, new character creation for both Kanna and Hayato will be temporarily suspended, effective 6:00 AM Pacific (9:00 AM Eastern) on August 19th."[/i] Someone catch me, I'm going to pass out from excitement. (Kannas already have their own thread, so I figured I'd make one for Hayatos). EDIT if anyone is confused (taken from page 2 of this thread): [quote=repentant]Someone correct me if my information is wrong, but Hayato has received two updates,

General Hayato

MSEA - Hayato 5th Job Preview MapleSEA's CM did a V Patch Preview and now we have a first glimpse of what Hayato's 5th job looks like. The video above was taken from a Kanna PoV so we don't have any information on what it does exactly (or what the animation looks like when used firsthand), but it looks to be another mapwide attack. GIF for those who can't access the first link: (note: not shown in the GIF, but the damage is delayed until after the end of the animation, similar to Hitokiri Hundred Strike) Thoughts?

General Hayato

I dont like Hayatos I used to play them, but now I realize how boring and pointless they are. Like what's the point in comboing skills when there are other classes that Haha, gotcha. I freaking love this class. Hayato is so much fun. Now that I have your attention, I would like to ask this question to Hayato mains: what class did you main before you started playing your Hayato, and what inspired you to change over to/stick with this class? Why did you quit your previous main?