RetardsGoArgh #General Talk


Should i potential these CB items? Heyy, Okay, so i have 2 daggers i'm thinking of potentialing. I have a clean above average 2 Luk, 89 Atk Angelic Betrayal. I also have another above average Cursayer, which is 97 attack clean. Im not sure if i should potential the Cursayer because according to HiddenStreet, the highest is 95 atk. Im not sure if i should risk blowing it up. And i might only have enough money to replace it. One more item, a Khanjar? Are they worth potentialing? AND should i chaos em and hope for higher attack? And another question, if i potential items, should scroll it first, or potential it first? Thanks.


I didn't get to level my ring to Lv 17. Well lately, Ive been busy due to football practice and such, so I planned to level my ring during the last 17 days. So yesterday I got it to 16, and today, I was psyched to get it to Lv.17. So I log on, go to Gaga, and choose ,"I would like to evolve my ring." And guess what? He said, "You already did it today blah blah blah." And I was like, "WTF? NO I DIDNT YOU DIRTY LIAR! IMMA CHOP OFF YOUR FEET BRO!" So long story short, Gaga was being a weiner to me today. THE END.


Soo, I just blew up my first reverse. Well, I just blew up my first reverse weapon. It was scrolled pretty bad. It went from 105 atk to 111atk. So, I thought I had nothing to lose, so I just enhanced it. It WHOOPDEEDOODLEDOO! It worked, bringing it to 114 atk. I was pretty happy. But, me seeing all these equips with like 4+ enhancements, makes me wanna enhance again. So I do. And then guess what? 150m down the drain.(Which is alot cause im pretty poor) Soo I guess, B> Scrolled 115+ Atk Pescas w/ potential.


I Hate Scrolling Well, i always thought i was pretty lucky with scrolling. Until today. So i decided to get legendary spirit so i can scroll so random things. I got my 2 Luk 89 Atk Angelic Betrayal and tried scrolling it with 60s. I landed 5/7. Then i decided to try chaos scrolling my khanjar. It worked, but took away 1 luk and 3 w.atk... I was pretty freakin mad. But I still wanted to scroll my above average 97 atk Cursayer with 60s, so I did. I landed 2/7 60s. So now its 2 Luk, 101 atk, which is worse than the 103 atk cursayer i sold to get my new clean one. So overall, i lost about 100m, which is alot to me since im noob. Now, i really hate scrolling and that's my story. :D Let's hear some of your crappy scrolling stories. Aaannndd, B&gt