

Rianael #Chat Talk

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Just A Rant As I sit in my driver's education class, I think. I've recently finished a research paper in my AP Capstone class on the topic of embryonic stem cell research and its ethical problems. Overall, we as a society have problems with allowing this research to go on due to the fact that embryos are destroyed when you harvest stem cells from them. However, from the start of civilization we are flawed. We've killed, destroyed, and taken on whim regardless of morals. We're okay with the homeless, children dying in poverty, and younger children creating our clothes to allow us to pay for the prices we have now in our patriarchal society. We go on and ignore. We stare at an illusion and live our lives to the fullest! "The statistics o

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Double Standards In Life So. I was thinking. It's known that if a guy has sex multiple times and has women "dangling around his fingers". He is mostly known as a player and it is looked as a positive thing(mostly). But for a women, it is the exact opposite. She's viewed as a concubine, etc. I think this stereotype stems from something we all know in society. Now tell me, how hard is it for a plain guy to get sex? Without a prostitute. Now, if a girl asked a guy; who's somewhat a stranger if he wanted to have sex now. He would most likely say yes due to hormones and.... ; to be completely honest, we think with our horny sticks sometimes. But that doesn't apply vice versa at all. A men would probably get slapped in the face for aski

General Chat

Stem Cell Research amp Cloning So I've been researching about these topics; Stem Cell Research and Cloning, and they go hand in hand, and there have been amazing breakthroughs in both categories of research that can be used in the medical field. I'm wondering if anyone knowledgeable about this topic can tell me what they know or list facts about both or one of the topics. Mentioning a discovery/breakthrough would be cool too. One thing I discovered is there is another actual type of third type of stem cell discovered, instead of just the two I've known; embryonic stem cell and somatic stem cell. This one is created from somatic stem cells but is almost indistinguishable from a embryonic stem cell. Which is great in my eyes and is an amazing