RisingSunX9 #Chat Talk

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Ex-cop on the loose tied to 3 murders Southern Cali I live in Southern California and there is HUGE manhunt going on right now. This killer also wrote a (long) manifesto stating his beliefs and reasons for killing police officers and their families as well. Now, is it right to kill innocent people for the sake of revenge? For the sake of "clearing his name?" No, it is not. Here's the full uncensored manifesto: [url=http://hiphopandpolitics.wordpress.com/2013/02/07/uncensored-manifesto-from-retired-lapd-officer-christopher-dorner/]link[/url] Anyone in Cali? What are your thoughts?

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Is this a good deal for this laptop? I got this laptop for $319.99. According to BestBuy it lists for over $400. Here's the link:[url=http://www.bestbuy.com/site/HP+-+Pavilion+17.3%26%2334%3B+Laptop+-+4GB+Memory+-+640GB+Hard+Drive+-+Sparkling+Black/7337048.p;jsessionid=D8B836590309181F133325E764074B1E.bbolsp-app05-52?id=1218840175098&skuId=7337048]BestBuy[/url] I like it so far because of the quad-core and AMD graphics. I upgraded the memory to 8GB total and everything runs smooth. The big screen is a plus for me, especially when playing some games.