

RoyalOnee #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

Help my Battle Mage amp Decisions I currently have a 293m.att 55% boss & 30% pdr w/ 25% boss neb ~ but i see a staff with 342m.att but rare pot & nebless ~ I can easily sell my staff right now and make profit but idk since i heard there will be +10m.att +3 all stat scrolls (40%) in the future coin shop. & If i get the 342m.att i would have to get 25% boss (2.25b) & Unique Scroll which might be free on Feb 8 (that's what i heard) or the ones in FM that goes from 2b-2.75b 60%-80%. So either keep the current staff and just innocence when the coin shop/scrolls comes out during "You & I" update or buy the 342m.att rare pot/nebless and try to get a better boss damage (around 60%+) & at least magic att% or int%. I