

Ruew #General Talk


Not sure what to do about my inner ability i really want att speed +1 (don't we all, lol) -to those of you who have it, especially those who just yolo'd with honor exp, very jealous- my current inner ability is 20% drop, legendary i've been locking both the tier and that line for months now and resetting a lot, at this point i was wondering if i should just spam circulators the next time they go on sale. I know some people have spent hundreds of k of nx to get this line and i don't mean to brag or anything but i'm fairly rich in game and can afford to spend 100-200k nx trying for the time being. Do you think i should just continue to be patience and resetting with honor exp or just spam the circulators when they go on sale?


current training guide? so i heard a shade got to level 200 in less than 5 hours, do any of you know how/where she trained and wouldn't mind sharing? i know it includes doing a ton of bossing (such as chaos horntail) but specifics would be nice i also hear HoH/twilight perion were nerfed recently. Can someone describe what changed/show me where i can find the information? so post nerf, what is the best training spot for higher level people? solo/party if it varies thanks in advance


If people stopped undercutting one another massively we could all make more money. I realize that undercutting will always be a part of the game because people want that quick sale, fine but there's no need to undercut something by like 20-30% market value because once you do it, someone will respond and then it's just a giant under cutting war and if you need to sell that item again in the future, you just screwed yourself over. Now if you're buying items, i'm sure you love this cause cheaper prices but if you're selling items, stop dropping your prices massively and you'll make more money in the long run.

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