

Why do Claws have such low Attck compared to other weapons?


I've always wondered this. Is it because the skills have a high %Damage thing? Or is it the Critical Rate?

February 8, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


[url=]Second highest weapon multiplier[/url] in the game.

It's still not on par with Cannons (1.8x). They have a high base weapon attack, too. Once they get their Hyper Skill, they'll be near the top in hits per second due to Buck Shot while NL's sit middle of the pack even with Quintuple Throw's attack speed and Fatal Venom.

Reply February 8, 2013

You get like +25 using Steelies, I think.
Imagine +25 Attack every hit...[/quote]

Still not on par with other weapons. XD
But yeah, it's mainly because of the high multiplier. Night Lords have the biggest gap between the funded and the unfunded because of this.

Reply February 8, 2013

You get like +25 using Steelies, I think.
Imagine +25 Attack every hit...

Reply February 8, 2013

its because the multiplier and stars make up for the low atk. You dont see bowmans with 30 atk arrows. thats why their weps are higher base.

Reply February 8, 2013